Written on July 2nd, 2014 in politics
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Published on Dissident Voice, by Ron Ridenour, June 29, 2014.
People before Profit—the slogan for production cooperatives—is an option even in the United States. Within the past decade, three forms of worker-owned and/or managed types of organizing work places are now functioning. The most democratic structure, one that could potentially transform the economy from profiteering greed to meeting everyone’s needs, is the worker-ownership cooperative. Continue Reading…
Written on July 1st, 2014 in politics
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The European Union prepares the ‘solidarity clause’ framework – Published on Global Research.ca (first on 911forum.org.uk).
The use of the “European Gendarmerie Force” (EUROGENDFOR) is made possible by the “solidarity clause” as Heise reported. At the unit, headquartered in Vicenza, Italy, all EU Member States are involved, the Gendarmerien; police forces with military status are to be used.
The founding countries of the EUROGENDFOR include Portugal, Spain, Italy, France and the Netherlands. We provide our services to the police unit of the EU, NATO or the UN. Continue Reading…
Written on June 30th, 2014 in Index
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Written on June 30th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Orion, by Scott Gast, May/June & July/August 2014.
IN THE MID-1960s, when author, historian, and political economist Gar Alperovitz was working as legislative director for Senator Gaylord Nelson, change was in the air. Ink had dried on an early version of the Clean Air Act, the civil rights movement had won major victories, and the first Earth Day was in the works. The U.S. still faced plenty of serious challenges, but many Americans felt their country was capable of dealing with them successfully … // Continue Reading…
Written on June 29th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Intrepid Report, by Bev Conover, June 27, 2914.
How would you feel if you went to buy some beer or wine for a party and encountered a group of strangers blocking the entrance to a liquor store and shouting about the evils of alcohol and when you tried to walk around or through them, they kept blocking your way, telling you that beer and wine are the work of the devil and they are trying to save you from his clutches? More than likely, you would be inclined to call the police, as risky as that can be these days. Continue Reading…
Written on June 28th, 2014 in politics
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Banking in Switzerland on en.wikipedia is regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) / (the Swiss government body responsible for financial regulation), (and) which derives its authority from a series of federal statutes. The country’s tradition of bank secrecy, which dates to the Middle Ages, was first codified in the Federal Act on Banks and Savings Banks, colloquially known as the Banking Law of 1934.[1] The regime of bank secrecy that Swiss banks are famous for came under pressure in the wake of the UBS tax evasion scandal, and the 1934 banking law was amended in 2009 to limit tax evasion by non-Swiss bank clients …; Continue Reading…
Written on June 28th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Russia Today RT, June 26, 2014.
China is moving forward with a plan to create its own version of the World Bank, which will rival institutions that are under the sway of the US and the West. The bank will start with $100 billion in capital.
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) will extend China’s financial reach and compete not only with the World Bank, but also with the Asian Development Bank, which is heavily dominated by Japan. The $100 billion in capital is double that originally proposed, the Financial Times (FT) reported. Continue Reading…
Written on June 27th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Intrepid Report, by Paul Craig Roberts, June 26, 2014.
Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is trying to save the world from war. We should all help him.
Tuesday, Putin’s presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov reported that President Putin has asked the Russian legislature to repeal the authorization to use force that was granted in order to protect residents of former Russian territories that are currently part of Ukraine from the rabid Russophobic violence that characterizes Washington’s stooge government in Kiev. Continue Reading…
Written on June 26th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Global Research.ca, by Prof. James Petras, June 24, 2014.
… In terms of cost to the United States, hundreds of thousands of soldiers who had served in the war zones have sustained severe physical and mental injuries, while thousands have died directly or indirectly through an epidemic of soldier suicides. The invasion and occupation of Iraq has cost the United States trillions of dollars and counting. Despite the immense costs to the American people, the military-industrial complex and the pro-Israel power configuration continue to keep the US government on a wartime economy – undermining the domestic social safety net and standard of living of many millions. Continue Reading…
Written on June 25th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Russia Today RT, June 23, 2014.
Ukraine nationalists have clashed with police outside the citadel of the Orthodox Church in Kiev, the Pechersk Lavra, as the churchgoers and monks were about to hold a peace service praying for an end to violence in Ukraine. Continue Reading…
Written on June 24th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Intrepid Report, by Frank Scott, June 23, 2014.
The destruction of Iraq, which began under the conservatively emotional Bush regime, continues under the liberally placid Obama administration. There are differences in style when an intelligent landscaper replaces a slack jawed gardener but the plantation they serve differs only in the cosmetic facade it sells the public, not the diseased crop it produces … // Continue Reading…
Written on June 23rd, 2014 in politics
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Published on World Socialist Web Site WSWS, by Johannes Stern, 21 June 2014.
The German bourgeoisie is responding to the debacle of US imperialism in Iraq by intensifying its campaign for militarism and war.
On Tuesday, during her first official visit to the US, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen spoke out in favour of a strong Bundeswehr (German armed forces) participation in an international military intervention. Germany had “key positions and capabilities, which other countries do not”, she said. The UN had asked her “that Germany one day also lead a United Nations military peace mission”, and the defence ministry was considering how the Bundeswehr could be more heavily involved. Continue Reading…
Written on June 22nd, 2014 in politics
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Published on Dissident Voice, by Ellen Hodgson Brown, June 20, 2014.
… When the US Federal Reserve bought an 80% stake in American International Group (AIG) in September 2008, the unprecedented $85 billion outlay was justified as necessary to bail out the world’s largest insurance company. Today, however, central banks are on a global corporate buying spree not to bail out bankrupt corporations but simply as an investment, to compensate for the loss of bond income due to record-low interest rates. Indeed, central banks have become some of the world’s largest stock investors. Continue Reading…
Written on June 21st, 2014 in politics
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Published on rabble.ca /blog, by PENNEY KOME, 12 Jun 2014.
… Only a decade ago, a person who graduated with a five-year Masters of Business Administration degree could expect immediate six-figure salary offers. Now the Degree Bubble has burst. Between dumbed-down public education systems, an overabundance of graduates, and endless corporate and small business campaigns to drive down wages across the board, the value of degrees has suffered drastic deflation in the seven years between 2007, when our grad entered university, and his graduation this year. Continue Reading…
Written on June 20th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Labour List, by Emma Burnell, June 19, 2014.
How does social democracy work when there isn’t any money? That is the question that has been taxing those at the top of the Labour Party for some time.
Our immediate, Keynesian response to the crisis staunched the wound and arguably stopped a recession becoming a depression. But the crisis itself showed up the weaknesses of the late 20th century model of social democracy – that of relying on the redistribution of the proceeds of growth, not of changing how that growth affected people early and for the better. Continue Reading…
Written on June 19th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Spiegel Online International, by Philip Bethge, June 16, 2014 (Photo Gallery).
Over one third of humanity is undernourished. Now a group of scientists are experimenting with specially-bred crops, and hoping to launch a new Green Revolution — but controversy is brewing.
It may not make his family wealthy, but Devran Mankar is still grateful for the pearl millet variety called Dhanshakti (meaning “prosperity and strength”) he has recently begun growing in his small field in the state of Maharashtra, in western India. ”Since eating this pearl millet, the children are rarely ill,” raves Mankar, a slim man with a gray beard, worn clothing and gold-rimmed glasses … // Continue Reading…
Written on June 18th, 2014 in politics
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in english
Audio with Paul Craig Roberts: The Crisis in Ukraine & The Geopolitical Chess Game, 70.18 min, uploaded by Red Ice Radio, June 15, 2014;
uploaded by RT: Continue Reading…
Written on June 17th, 2014 in politics
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Published on The Guardian, by Chris Arnade, June 15, 2014:
Cecily McMillan is behind bars, unlike any of the architects of the financial crisis. In an exclusive conversation with the Guardian, she explains why her sentence serves a purpose …;
A former banker visits the only member of Occupy Wall Street to receive a prison sentence: it sounds like the set-up of a joke or a parable of the modern age. Instead, it was a real scene last Thursday, when I went to see jailed OWS activist Cecily McMillan at Rikers Island. Continue Reading…
Written on June 16th, 2014 in politics
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Published on ZNet (first on Portside), by Peter Dreier, June 14, 2014.
An idea that only a year ago appeared both radical and impractical has become a reality. On Monday, Seattle struck a blow against rising inequality when its City Council unanimously adopted a citywide minimum wage of $15 an hour, the highest in the nation. Continue Reading…
Written on June 15th, 2014 in politics
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The Thai fishing industry is built on slavery, with men often beaten, tortured and sometimes killed – all to catch ‘trash fish’ to feed the cheap farmed prawns/shrimps sold in the west - Published on The Guardian, June 10, 2014: A six-month Guardian multimedia investigation has, for the first time, tracked how some of the world’s big-supermakets – Tesco, Aldi, Walmart and Morrisons are using suppliers relying on slave labour to put cheap prawns on their shelves. Slavery is back and here’s the proof … Thai ‘ghost ships’ that enslave and even kill workers are linked to global shrimp supply chain, Guardian investigation discovers modern day slavery: Continue Reading…
Written on June 14th, 2014 in politics
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Interview with Paul Craig Roberts – Published on OpEdNews, by Rob Kall, June 12, 2014.
As AUDIO, 116.54 min
(and rough, incomplete notes):
I talk for almost two hours with Paul Craig Roberts On Russia, De-dollarization, capitalism, Psychopaths, Ed Snowden and NSA, Monsanto GMO. Corporatization of the FDA and more … //
… Rob: What are your thoughts about Monsanto and GMO. You mentioned that in Russia, GMO seeds and farming are being treated as terrorism. Continue Reading…
Written on June 13th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Intrepid Report, by Paul Craigh Roberts, June 12, 2014 (see Paul Craigh Roberts also on World People’s Blog).
In my column, The Lies Grow More Audacious, I mentioned that Obama and the British prime minister, whom Obama has as a lap dog, just as George Bush had Tony Blair as lap dog, had managed to celebrate the defeat of Nazi Germany at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy invasion without mentioning the Russians.
I pointed out the fact, well known to historians and educated people, that the Red Army defeated Nazi Germany long before the US was able to get geared up to participate in the war. The Normandy invasion most certainly did not defeat Nazi Germany. What the Normandy invasion did was to prevent the Red Army from overrunning all of Europe. Continue Reading…
Written on June 12th, 2014 in politics
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Published on The Real News, by Paul Jay: … Mr. Johnson says the scale of the political investment of finance – six, seven hundred million dollars – is overwhelming. With the political power of finance, do we still have a democracy?
- Finance Is Building the Architecture of Their Own Rules, (3/8), 14.39 min, June 10, 2014;
- Reaganomics Was Crazy (2/8), 14.55 min, June 9, 2014;
- Growing Up in the Cauldron of 1960’s Detroit (1/8), 1.10 min, June 8, 2014. Continue Reading…
Written on June 11th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Russia Today RT, June 7, 2014.
A federal judge who ordered the National Security Agency to retain all records of its secret telephone surveillance related to an ongoing case has reversed the order – just a day after it was issued.
“In order to protect national security programs, I cannot issue a ruling at this time. The Court rescinds the June 5 order,” US District Judge Jeffrey White said from the bench on Friday. Continue Reading…
Written on June 10th, 2014 in politics
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Published on Global Research.ca, by Eric Zuesse, June 7, 2014.
… This civil war is of massive historical importance, because it re-starts the global Cold War, this time no longer under the fig-leaf rationalization of an ideological battle between “capitalism” versus “communism,” but instead more raw, as a struggle between, on the one hand, the U.S. and West European aristocracies; and, on the other hand, the newly emerging aristocracies of Russia and of China. Like had happened in World War I, this global war is between two contending aristocratic alliances. (That’s the standard thing, we historians know; it’s nothing unusual there.) However, the documentation of the history is much clearer and far faster for this new war, than for former global wars, regarding which of the two sides had really initiated it, and why … // Continue Reading…