Spain: A Year of Change Postponed?

Published on ZNet (first in Jacobin Magazine), by Luke Stobart, Dec 20, 2015.

At the time of writing, Podemos is making an inspiring late comeback in the Spanish general-election campaign, but few expect that 2015 will be the “year of change” that Pablo Iglesias promised when Podemos was leading in the polls last year. Mass participation in the new party and a lightning rise in popular support in its first year gave way to limited grassroots activity and an electoral slide until this October … // Continue Reading…

what means Socialism for Americans?

Universal Basic Income UBI could arrive in Europe faster than you think

Published on Business, by Jim Edwards, Dec 14, 2015.

Several European countries are moving to adopt universal basic income schemes in the next few years. If any of them come to fruition we could finally get an answer to one of the most exciting questions in economics: whether basic income is the best way to end poverty and the welfare state:   Continue Reading…

Dept concerns

about the Greece Dept:

about the US Dept:   Continue Reading…


Uploaded by kitarotv:

Jean-Baptiste Maunier

dans Les Choristes en Concert a Paris – 2005, 75.45 min, mise en ligne par Maria Luisa – Marilú Magaña Casas;

et dans La suite après les choristes, mise en ligne par Jean-Baptiste MaunierPart 1/4, 9.46 min; Part 2/4, 7.53 min; Part 3/4, 6.40 min; Part 4/4, 7.52 min;

Liberal Extremism Disguised as Defense of Muslims

Published on Dissident Voice (first on Matt’s Blog), by Matt Peppe, Dec 14, 2015.

After 14 people were killed and 22 more injured in the San Bernardino massacre by a couple whom authorities claim were “radicalized” by Islamist ideology, Islamophobia among the American public has seemingly reached a fever pitch. But while many people are fighting back against hateful discrimination against Muslims, many are doing so with a liberal narrative of American values that rationalizes and perpetuates American state violence, while failing to recognize this violence as its own form of extremism// Continue Reading…

some small and big concerns

Libya’s nightmare scenario

Published on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Ahmed Eleiba, Dec 10, 2015.

The possibility of Libya taking over from Syria and Iraq as the centre of Islamic State operations is haunting decision-makers in Cairo.

Islamic State (IS) is consolidating its presence in Libya, where post-Gaddafi chaos has provided an ideal climate for the terrorist organisation to flourish. It encountered a setback in Derna, where it faced stiff resistance from the Ansar Al-Sharia militia group which, in April 2014, expelled IS forces from the city, but 18 months later IS has recouped its losses.   Continue Reading…

The Age of Extremes

Published on ZNet (first on teleSUR english ), by Arun Gupta, Dec 12, 2015.

… The greatest cost is to the countries being bombed and civil society. In November 2001 the global justice movement, which gained prominence after thwarting a free-trade agreement two years earlier, was planning to shut down seven stock exchanges in a worldwide day of protest. That was derailed by 9/11, and the global justice movement fell apart. This time climate-justice activists say the movement is stronger and wiser and the climate crisis is too profound for one episode to end it, but it has been set back.   Continue Reading…

The hourglass society: Middle-income households no longer the majority in the US

Published on World Socialist Web Site WSWS, by Andre Damon, Dec 11, 2015.

For the first time in more than four decades, “middle-income households” no longer constitute the majority of American society, according to a study published Wednesday by the Pew Research Center. Instead, the majority of households are either low or higher-income. The study concluded, “Once in the clear majority, adults in middle-income households in 2015 were matched in number by those in lower- and upper-income households combined.” Pew called its findings “a demographic shift that could signal a tipping point” in American society … // Continue Reading…

UFOs, our govs and the 0.000…1%

… How the Secret Government Works – Dr. Steven Greer HD, 230.09 min, uploaded by SpaceNatives, Nov 23, 2015 … Dr. Greer has been involved in the highest levels of governments and military for over 25 years and will share what he has learned on the who, what, where and why of UFO secrecy and the deep transnational security state and the constellation of illegal projects that are currently operating …;
(my comment: prepare a good drink and a comfortable chair, you’ll stand it better … in fact, it’s about govs facing the 0.000…1% – also today).   Continue Reading…

The Roots of the Current Situation in Venezuela

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1195 (first on teleSUR english), by Gregory Wilpert, Dec 5, 2015.

The current economic, political, and social situation in Venezuela is very complicated, which makes it somewhat difficult for outsiders to make sense of. On the one hand there are many people who defend the Bolivarian revolution, pointing to the successes it has had in reducing poverty and inequality and in increasing citizen participation and self-governance.   Continue Reading…

The model of all economic models (wonkish)

Published on RWER Blog, by Lars Syll, Dec 6, 2015.

Mainstream economists want to explain social phenomena, structures and patterns, based on the assumption that the agents are acting in an optimizing (rational) way to satisfy given, stable and well-defined goals. The procedure is analytical. The whole is broken down into its constituent parts so as to be able to explain (reduce) the aggregate (macro) as the result of interaction of its parts (micro). Continue Reading…

concerns of the 99% to be solved – part 2

in english:

America’s “Dirty War on Syria”: Bashar al Assad and Political Reform

Published on Global, by , Dec 4, 2015.

… It should go without saying that the internal political processes of a sovereign country belongs to the people of that country, and no-one else. Nevertheless, as Washington insists on a prerogative to determine who can or cannot lead another country, some background on Bashar al Assad and the political reform process in Syria might be useful … //

… 5.1 The reform movement:   Continue Reading…

concerns of the 99% to be solved – part 1

in english:

uploaded by Ruptly TV:

uploaded by wwwKenFMde:   Continue Reading…

Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS-Daesh Funding

Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Terrorists, Complete Transcript, 5 Videos, Documents (photos, map) – Published on Global, by Syrian Free Press Network, Dec 3, 2015.

Russian Defense Ministry held a major briefing: “A whole team of bandits and Turkish leadership [Erdogan’s family as well] stealing oil from their neighbors and are involved in illegal oil trade with ISIS” … // Continue Reading…

Healing the Feminine


some concerns

Russia wants to stop ISIS’ illegal oil trade – Churkin, on Russia Today RT, Dec 2, 2015 - (Commercial scale’ oil smuggling into Turkey becomes priority target of anti- #ISIS strikes);

Ils racontent le crash social d’Air France, dans l’Humanité, par Rosa Moussaoui, le 2 déc 2015: Les milliers de suppressions de postes du plan Transform 2015 ont sérieusement dégradé les conditions de travail des salariés d’Air France. Chez les agents d’escale, la pression pousse de nombreux salariés à bout. Reportage à l’aéroport d’Orly;

Der Klang des 3. Weltkriegs …, 3.12 min, von World War Three TV am 10.Okt 2014 hochgeladen;   Continue Reading…

… socialism with an iPad – John McDonnell

this article was refered by many on Nov 20, 2015:


Official Website – Sustainable Innovtion Forum 2015, UNEP; /About;
Poor countries fear being ‘left behind’ in rush for deal, on BBCnews, by Matt McGrath, Nov 30, 2015;
What the COP21 Climate Change Summit in Paris is All About, on NDTV, Nov 30, 2015 (including 10 point cheat-sheet);
Beginner’s guide to the UN Paris climate summit, on BBCnews, by Matt McGrath, Nov 29, 2015;   Continue Reading…

Index November 2015

2015-11-01: A Tale of Two Retirements;
2015-11-02: UK: Six million workers paid less than the living wage;
2015-11-03: State Multiculturalism, Cultural Diplomacy and the EU Crisis;
2015-11-04: Japanese High Speed Bullet Train;
2015-11-05: Distortion, Fabrication, and Falsification in the Financial Press;
2015-11-06: from Zermatt to Gornergrat;
2015-11-07: Mass Mobilization To Stop The TPP Announced As Text Is Released;
2015-11-08: The Politics of the Right and the Dilemmas of the Left;
2015-11-09: 3 Hours of Instrumental Music;
2015-11-10: what’s Europe for their 99% – with Yanis Varoufakis;
2015-11-11: Noam Chomsky;
2015-11-12: How Outside Normalcy Should an Outsider Be?
2015-11-13: White House Objections Stop ISIS War Authorization Vote;
2015-11-14: A Brutal New Germany – What’s Happening to My Country?
2015-11-15: Non-French War Deaths Matter;
2015-11-16: soft music;
2015-11-17: Global Capitalism Update, Nov 2015;
2015-11-18: Lessons from Iceland’s Financial Crisis;
2015-11-19: I am fed up – I can no more hear it …;
2015-11-20: a bunch of links on what’s actual;
2015-11-21: TPP’s Orwellian Definition of “Science”;
2015-11-22: Washington’s New Approach to Russia;
2015-11-23: Unreported Crimes against Humanity – more than 800 Women and Children have died in Yemen;
2015-11-24: The Realism of Audacity – Rethinking Revolutionary Strategy Today;
2015-11-25: When Workers Fight;
2015-11-26: Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope of Western Cooperation;
2015-11-27: RBS: Whistleblower claims bank hid scale of losses prior to banking crisis to protect banker’s bonuses;
2015-11-28: The Power of Nightmares;
2015-11-29: Scapegoating the refugees;
2015-11-30: The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System;
2015-11-30: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, November 1-30, 2015.
See also this page: All articles sorted chronologically.

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, November 1-30, 2015

related articles published during November 2015: (continuously updated … ) Continue Reading…

The Tragedy of the Commons, the Pope, and the System

Actually running (Nov 30 / 9.00 MEZ): COP21 opens in Paris – arrivals and greeting of heads of states, LIVE, by Ruptly TV.

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1190, by Michael A. Lebowitz, Nov 27, 2015.

  • There’s an old argument that common property inevitably leads to exhaustion of resources … //

… Profit Worship:   Continue Reading…