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Written on May 10th, 2019 in politics by heidi
voir aussi:…562211.598315..600106…0.0..0.87.1001.13……0….1j2..gws-wiz-img…….0i24.ctrLz4b8mPc
Written on September 7th, 2018 in comment, politics by heidi
scoll down for english translation by Google Continue Reading…
Written on September 1st, 2017 in politics by heidi

Update August 2017:
zum Abschied diesen Beitrag zur Krankheit unserer ganzen Menschheit: Psychiatrie und Spiritualität IV – Eugen Drewermann, 72.19 min, hochgeladen von Martin Sobania am 25. Jan 2017 … kongenialer Vortrag von dem grossen Theologen, Psychoanalytiker, Autor und Friedensaktivist … besser kann man es nicht ausdrücken;
2. Update am 18. Sept 2017:
Wie Machteliten Meinung und Demokratie steuern – Prof. Rainer Mausfeld, 104.34 min, hochgeladen von Aniassy am 14. Sept 2017 … wie Demokratie gesteuert wird.
Written on March 31st, 2017 in Index by heidi
Written on March 31st, 2017 in politics by heidi
The Truth About Vaccines:
Written on March 29th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on The People’s Voice, by James Petras, March 25, 2017.
The cross border flood of millions of immigrants provokes profound political divisions, violence and the rise of mass movements challenging the unity of the European Union (EU) and the survival of the dominant political parties in the US and Europe. Continue Reading…
Written on March 28th, 2017 in politics by heidi
… exclusive – Published on RT, March 27, 2017.
… The city seems gradually returning to the way of life it enjoyed before the occupation of jihadists, who enforced their radical interpretation of Islam onto locals after overrunning the city in 2014. Under IS rule, Manbij women were effectively banned from leaving their homes and had to adhere to a mandatory dress code, covering themselves in head-to-toe burqas. Following the city’s liberation, the images of women burning and ripping off these garments went viral, becoming a symbol of resistance to fanatical terrorist rule. Continue Reading…
Written on March 27th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on Systemic Disorder, March 22, 2017.
The World Bank has for decades left a trail of human misery. Destruction of the environment, massive human rights abuses and mass displacement have been ignored in the name of “development” that works to intensify neoliberal inequality. In response to legal attempts to hold it to account, the World Bank has declared itself above the law. Continue Reading…
Written on March 26th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on The Guardian, by Tariq Ali, March 25, 2017.
The father of the Soviet Union was also a Latin buff who adored Goethe and liked to compare his enemies to figures in novels. Continue Reading…
Written on March 25th, 2017 in comment, politics by heidi
… [VIDEO 2.37 min] – Published on RT, March 23, 2017.
A rift has opened up between NATO allies US and Turkey over the part Syrian Kurdish forces should play in the liberation of Raqqa from Islamic State terrorists as Ankara has openly rejected taking part in any operation that would involve the Kurds … // Continue Reading…
Written on March 24th, 2017 in politics by heidi
… Latin America, the Middle East and Ukraine – Published on Axis of Logic, by James Petras, March 19, 2017.
Over thirty year ago a savvy Colombian peasant leader told me, “Whenever I read the word ‘peace accords’ I hear the government sharpening its knives” … //
… Conclusion: Epitaph for Peace Accords: Continue Reading…
Written on March 23rd, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on Dissident Voice, by Paul Craig Roberts, March 22, 2017.
March 20, 2017: Listening today to the broadcast of testimony by FBI Director Comey and National Security Agency Director Admiral Michael Rogers before the House Intelligence Committee (an oxymoron) made it clear that the Democrats, Comey, and Rogers intend conflict with Russia. Continue Reading…
Written on March 22nd, 2017 in comment, politics by heidi
Published on TIME, by Vivienne Walt, March 16, 2017.
… As the French get ready to pick their next President in two rounds of voting in April and May, millions of voters exasperated by the failures of those two parties seem willing to back an insurgent to run the country. The candidacy of far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen has been nourished by a groundswell of support in hard-hit towns across France. Now, with just weeks to go before voting begins, Le Pen is a favorite to clinch the first round against a raft of seasoned insiders, and could yet seize the presidency itself in the final round on May 7 … // Continue Reading…
Written on March 21st, 2017 in politics by heidi
on, by Alan Broughton, March 19, 2017.
Monsanto, one of the world’s biggest pesticide and seed corporations and leading developer of genetically modified crop varieties, had a stock market value of US$66 billion in 2014. It has gained this position by a combination of deceit, threat, litigation, destruction of evidence, falsified data, bribery, takeovers and cultivation of regulatory bodies … // Continue Reading…
Written on March 20th, 2017 in politics by heidi
… an audio (LibriVox) recording of Capital, Volume 1 - Published on Socialist, 10 hours, March 19, 2017 … also on YouTube, followed there by other audios in autoplay.
Links: Continue Reading…
Written on March 19th, 2017 in politics by heidi
hochgeladen von KenFM:
- Die Angst der Machteliten vor dem Volk – Prof. Rainer Mausfeld, 98.37 min, Feb 19, 2017 … wenn eine überschaubare Gruppe von Menschen dauerhaft über die große Masse Macht ausüben will, ist die Stabilität des Systems nur dann zu erreichen, wenn man die wichtigste Ressource kontrolliert. Wissen. Was das Volk nicht weiß, noch nicht einmal erahnt, kann es auch nicht auf die Barrikaden bringen … (ganzer langer Text); Continue Reading…
Written on March 19th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on DISSENT, by James Stafford and Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, March 16, 2017 [updated version of an editorial first published in Renewal].
… Wherever illiberal leaders have gained access to the resources of post-9/11 security states, liberals, greens, and socialists may find themselves numbered among the “enemies of the people” as the right works to cement its power. This process is already underway in Poland and Hungary. Nascent left-populisms are currently too weak to stop the right, although they could benefit in the short-term from increasing political polarization. Continue Reading…
Written on March 18th, 2017 in politics by heidi
… by the Land Portal Foundation and the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment - Published on, March 15, 2017 (short URL:
Over the past decade, international investments in land have come to the forefront of public debate. Some argue that investments in land, including by foreign entities, is a critical component of achieving food security. Others argue that large scale land acquisitions, or what some refer to as ‘land grabbing,’ on the contrary, undermines efforts to overcome poverty and hunger by further marginalizing already vulnerable groups, including indigenous peoples and smallholder farmers. Continue Reading…
Written on March 17th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on english, by John Feffer, director of Foreign Policy In Focus, March 14, 2017.
The political theorist Thomas Hobbes warned in the 17th century that without the modern state and its sovereign control of territory, humanity would slip back into a state of nature in which violence was uncontrolled and ever-present. “A war of all against all” would break out, he wrote, in which neighbor would turn against neighbor. States would continue to fight one another, but a measure of stability would reign at the level of society … // Continue Reading…
Written on March 16th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1382, by Sam Gindin and Herman Rosenfeld, March 14, 2017.
A sign of the tragic disarray of the Canadian labour movement is the extent to which its misadventures keep piling up. As the turmoil within the union representing the Ontario government’s unionized employees (Ontario Public Service Employees Union – OPSEU) hits the press, the chaos continues in Local 113 of the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU). Continue Reading…
Written on March 15th, 2017 in politics by heidi
… Donald Trump should stay out of it – Published on, by Patrick Cockburn, March 10, 2017.
The Trump administration’s first counter-terrorism operation was a failure for the US and much worse for the Yemeni villagers who are dead, wounded, homeless and have seen their livestock, on which they depended for their livelihoods, all killed … // Continue Reading…
Written on March 14th, 2017 in comment, politics by heidi
- Pastor who goes “undercover” as a homeless man is reminiscent of an urban based social experiment, 3.33 min, uploaded by JAVA CREW, Feb 27, 2017 … after spending half an hour incognito in his new church prior to services and finding that only a very few congregants would even return his greeting (much less respond to his pleas for money to buy food), he reveals himself to his new flock and delivers to them a lesson in Christian compassion … (full text);
- Dignity Village in Portland:,Tiny Houses for the Homeless, 5.54 min, uploaded by Respectful Revolution, Dec 17, 2016 … Brad Gibson had been homeless for years, going from low paying jobs to no job at all, when he connected with a group of highly organized homeless activists in Portland, OR … (full text); Continue Reading…
Written on March 13th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1381, by Alia Karim and David Bush, March 12, 2017.
On Monday March 6th, striking York University food service workers, represented by Unite Here Local 75, voted to accept their new contract. The workers went on strike for and won a $15/hour starting wage and fair working conditions. Their victory paves the way for workers right across the province to achieve $15 and fairness … // Continue Reading…
Written on March 12th, 2017 in politics by heidi
… yes, our money, as we the people do all the work … with Richard D. Wolff:
- Bankruptcy Protection, Debt Jubilee, Students Debt and the Credit System, 13.50 min, uploaded by acTVism Munich, March 10, 2017;
- Global Capitalism, MARCH 2017, is Capitalism Fading? 94.32 min, uploaded by Democracy At Work, March 8, 2017;
- Be Very Very Careful About the Stock Marke … Here’s Why, 11.46 min, uploaded by The Big Picture RT, March 7, 2017;
- What is Money? Why do some have more than others? 13.28 min, uploaded by acTVism Munich, March 2, 2017;
- Explaining the coming ECONOMIC CRISIS, 35.24 min, uploaded by Shuvang Bhattarai, Feb 17, 2017.
Written on March 11th, 2017 in politics by heidi
Published on, by Will Worley, March 2, 2017.
(Graph): the UK’s ultra-rich population set for a huge increase, growth rates for UHNWIs in selected countries from 2016 to 2026* … // Continue Reading…