Kurds should have a say on Syria’s future at Geneva talks – UN envoy

Published on RT, March 13, 2016.

… “The Syrian Kurds are an important component of the country, so we need to find a formula in which they are able to express an opinion on the constitution and the governance of the country,” de Mistura told Swiss Le Temps newspaper on Saturday.

He added that he has “a mandate to find the formulas … that are as inclusive as possible.”   Continue Reading…

Criticism of capitalism

The Unraveling of Turkey’s Democracy

Published on ZNet, by Alon Ben-Meir, March 11, 2016.

Only a few months after Turkey’s President Erdogan raided the offices of the Koza Ipek Media Group, the Turkish police assaulted early this month the offices of Feza Publications, which owns two newspapers (including Zaman) and two TV stations, without any warning. There is little else more injurious to any democracy than closing down news outlets and choking off freedom of speech Continue Reading…

Refugees Caught in Tide of European History

Published on Greek Reporter, by A. Makris, March 9, 2016.

Syrian and Iraqi war refugees are sleeping by railroad tracks in northern Greece hoping to be allowed to travel onward to Germany and other northern EU countries. Seventy-three years ago, these tracks were traversed by another group heading to Germany for a completely different future: the Nazi death camps … // Continue Reading…

George Lakoff’s texts and videos

the Secret of Donald Trump’s Success, published on Social Europe (first on George Lakoff’s blog), March 7, 2016.

Donald Trump is winning Republican presidential primaries at such a great rate that he seems likely to become the next Republican presidential nominee and perhaps the next president. Democrats have little understanding of why he is winning — and winning handily, and even many Republicans don’t see him as a Republican and are trying to stop him, but don’t know how. There are various theories: People are angry and he speaks to their anger. People don’t think much of Congress and want a non-politician. Both may be true. But why? What are the details? And Why Trump?   Continue Reading…

about wikileaks

Some latest articles:

neuliche Diskussionen, Argumente

Mehr Utopie, bitte, ein europäisches Basiseinkommen, in neues deutschland/blog, von Tom Strohschneider, am 5. März 2016: die gesellschaftliche Linke ist auf Abwehrmodus, ein positives Gegenmodell zur Scheinalternative Merkel oder Mob ist nötig;

Continue Reading…

A GOOD JOB: Hard Graft, Made in Germany

Published on Global Handelsblatt (first on Die Zeit), by KOLJA RUDZIO, March 3, 2016.

For many Germans, their job is more important than ever. But what would the proposed universal basic wage do to Germany’s famed work ethic?   Continue Reading…

Critical Analysis: Europe’s Slow Motion Debacle

Published on Axis of Logic (first on Strategic Culture Foundation ), by Pepe Escobar, March 5, 2016.

From a failed attempt to clear the Calais jungle to the appalling situation at the Greek-Macedonian border, the EU crumbles under the strain of a massive refugee crisis. Even the Kafkaesque Brussels Eurocrat construct admits it – off the record, because official EU must always project a mythical image of unity: “We are on the edge of an abyss” … // Continue Reading…

It Begins: Palace Revolt against ECB’s NIRP

Published on Wolf Street, by Wolf Richter, March 4, 2016: if punishment interest exceeds the pain threshold.

The Association of Bavarian Savings Banks, which represents 71 savings banks in the German State of Bavaria, has had it with the ECB’s negative deposit-rate absurdity, and it’s now instigating a palace revolt. Continue Reading…

Is South America’s ‘Progressive Cycle’ at an End?

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1229, by Claudio Katz, March 4, 2016: Neo-Developmentalist Attempts and Socialist Projects.

… The year 2015 ended with significant advances of the Right in South America. Mauricio Macri was elected President in Argentina, the opposition gained a majority in the Venezuelan parliament, and Dilma Rousseff is being hounded relentlessly in Brazil. Then there are the conservatives’ campaigns in Ecuador, and it remains to be seen whether Evo Morales will obtain a new mandate in Bolivia.[1] Continue Reading…

It’s the Geopolitics, stupid

Published on Dissident Voice (first on Activist Teacher), by Denis Rancourt, March 2, 2016.

Geopolitics determines domestic policy.

This is apparent in the client country “Canada”, where no sovereignty is allowed, and where domestic policy is entirely about preventing any emergence of actual democracy.   Continue Reading…

Transformational Education: Creating Engaged Citizens

Published on ZNet (first on Portside.org), by Ruth Needleman, March 1, 2016.

Ana began working in a shoe factory in Sapiranga, Southern Brazil, when she was 11 years old. A single mother, Ana worked 6, 10-hour days a week for the next 30 years. Her son could not get help from her on his school work, because she never had a chance to attend school. She felt invisible.   Continue Reading…

Super Tuesday

Domestic Violence – Violence Conjugale – Häusliche Gewalt

  • Violence conjugale en publique (Prank), 5.32 min, mise en ligne par Webzer … Les membres de OckTV ont réalisé une expérience sociale dans la rue en public pour filmer la réaction des gens face à de la violence conjugale. Un homme va faire semblant de frapper sa copine. Les passants vont intervenir rapidement. Puis ils vont inverser les rôles, la femme va frapper son copain. Et là, c’est complètement différent, les passants ont tendance à se moquer – short translation: violence against women, the public reacts against the man – violence against a man, the public is rather mocking the man;   Continue Reading…

Refugee Crisis Disunity: A De Facto Solution Takes Shape in the Balkans

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Giorgos Christidis, Katrin Kuntz, Walter Mayr, Peter Müller, Jan Puhl and Mathieu von Rohr, Feb 26, 2016 (Photo Gallery).

Angela Merkel is still hoping for a European solution to the refugee crisis. But with patience running out, Austria has joined countries on the Balkan Route to impose Plan B. But with the closure of borders, the situation in Greece is becoming dangerous … // Continue Reading…

Index February 2016

2016-02-01: 10,000 kids missing in EU as criminals ‘exploit’ migrant flow – Europol chief of staff;
2016-02-02: On Greece, Syriza, Podemos and the Democracy in Europe Movement;
2016-02-03: Working-class History 101;
2016-02-03: Migrationsrealität … noch nicht im Griff;
2016-02-04: Whistleblowers and the banks;
2016-02-05: Basic income for the Swiss?
2016-02-06: Between debt and the devil, in the eye of a new global financial storm;
2016-02-07: CANADA: against Privatization, Health Coalition Demands Funding for Hospitals;
2016-02-08: musics for studying and running;
2016-02-09: Ukraine – An US-Installed Nazi-Infested Failed State;
2016-02-10: We Can’t Afford These Billionaires;
2016-02-11: Democratizing Europe: Varoufakis launches new movement;
2016-02-12: Two, Three … Many Flints;
2016-02-13: Switzerland’s Base Income Vote Turns Finance Reform Into a Democratic Spectacle;
2016-02-14: Greeks will have to become migrants [3 VIDEOS, PHOTOS];
2016-02-15: Propaganda as “News” – Ecuador Sells out Indigenous and the Environment to China;
2016-02-16: Why Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Matters;
2016-02-17: in these mouving times;
2016-02-18: Syrian Endgame, a Lost War is Dangerous – US-NATO, Saudi Arabia, Turkey … losers on the rampage;
2016-02-18: Eugen Drewermann;
2016-02-19: Meanwhile, In Other News …;
2016-02-20: A Response to Chris Hedges Concerning Bernie Sanders;
2016-02-21: The US Economy Has Not Recovered and Will Not Recover;
2016-02-22: The Integration Puzzle – part 1/23 (one to twenty three);
2016-02-23: The Broken Social Contract;
2016-02-24: How Humanitarian Imperialism Led to Europe’s Refugee Crisis;
2016-02-25: Women Can’t Wait, Repeal the 8th;
2016-02-26: Syria/US/NATO – Kurds/Putin/Assad … which kind of peace?
2016-02-27: Offshoring Justice: David Hicks, Australia and the UN Human Rights Committee;
2016-02-28: Malaysia must sue Goldman Sachs & all complicit banks;
2016-02-28: verheimlicht – vertuscht – vergessen;
2016-02-29: on YouTube: Syria’s War resp Refugees;
2016-02-29: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, FEBRUARY 1-29, 2016.
See also this page: All articles sorted chronologically.

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, February 1-29, 2016

related articles published during February 2016: (continuously updated … ) Continue Reading…

on YouTube: Syria’s War resp Refugees

uploaded by RT:

verheimlicht – vertuscht – vergessen

die Angst vor einem kritischen Bestseller – Gerhard Wisnewski, 69.34 min, von Querdenken TV vom 20. Feb 2016.

Malaysia must sue Goldman Sachs & all complicit banks

NAJIB Contagion, all hell set to break loose – Published on Malaysia Chronicle, by Sarawak Report, Feb 25, 2016.

The news today that Goldman Sachs has now formally acknowledged that its South East Asia Chairman, Tim Leissner, has indeed ‘left the bank’, sometime earlier this month, indicates they plan to make him their high level fall guy over the 1MDB imbroglio.

It’s not good enough.   Continue Reading…

Offshoring Justice: David Hicks, Australia and the UN Human Rights Committee

Published on Dissident Voice, by Binoy Kampmark, Feb 25, 2016 (also on International Police Digest).

He always had a rough deal. He strayed as a young man, a situation that would have been perfectly acceptable if he had picked the approved rogue group or terrorist collective to vent his adolescent angst. Al Qaeda, and their Taliban hosts, were not on that list. Having fallen out of favour with the Oscar equivalent of good terrorist nominees, Australia’s David Hicks found himself in the dark, picked up in Afghanistan in November 2001 and conveyed to that terrestrial nightmare known as Guantánamo Bay soon after.   Continue Reading…

Syria/US/NATO – Kurds/Putin/Assad … which kind of peace?

  • Syrian Kurds accused of siding with Assad and Russia, 2-07 min, uploaded by Al Jazeera English, Feb 24, 2016;
  • Interview: Michael Gorbatschow über Putin, die Deutschen, Amerika, 3.49 min, von SpiegelTV (spoken in english, subtitled in german);
  • (my comment: there is nothing complicated: US/NATO-elites proclaim enemies being all those who not hate Putin resp Assad, but Putin / Assad will remain, thus US/NATO will never be able/willing for any peace. So, just tell them to leave the region … force them to go home … and make it, this damned peace. Syrians will be gratefull, more and more regret their trip to german’s paradise: for many because of the future underclass workplaces, for all the food-shock, for more than a few the women’s so-called not-so-much-submitted-behavior-shock. And most Germans will be gratefull for no more being overrun – Heidi);

Continue Reading…

Women Can’t Wait, Repeal the 8th

… the Politics of Abortion and the Irish National Election – Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1225, by Carol-Anne Hudson, Feb 23, 2016.

Abortion is one of the defining issues of the 2016 national Irish election, yet a vast majority of candidates have declined to give their views on the controversial subject. 331 of the 392 candidates have not declared a position, 33 candidates have stated support for keeping the 8th Amendment, and another 28 candidates have stated that they want to repeal the 8th. Labour, Sinn Féin, the Greens, Social Democrats, and a number of Left Independents have pledged to hold a referendum to remove the “right to life” 8th Amendment from the Constitution, which prevents the liberalization of the state’s abortion laws … // Continue Reading…

How Humanitarian Imperialism Led to Europe’s Refugee Crisis

Published on ZNet, Interview with Jean Bricmont, conducted by Maidhc Ó Cathail, Feb 22, 2016.

Maidhc Ó Cathail: Do you see Cologne, 2015 as a turning point or the beginning of the end for European civilization? Continue Reading…