The Broken Social Contract

Published on Dissident Voice, by Harvey Lothian, Feb 21, 2016.

The unwritten but very real and clearly understood social contract under which the citizens and workers of the United States and Canada developed the countries has now been broken by the wealthy classes, the owners of major industries and businesses and the politicians, The contract is now invalid. A new social contract is needed.  

It was clearly understood by everyone in both countries, from the very beginning of the countries, that if men got what education they could, or wanted or needed, got a job, worked hard, were frugal with their money, they would eventually be able to buy a house, get married, raise a family, and eventually retire and live without undue financial stress due to the equity in their homes, their pensions and their savings. A growing economic pie would provide enough jobs and wealth that everyone could have a good life if they were willing to work for it. Everyone understood that. That was the Social Contract … //

… While the rich were getting richer the US National Federal Debt grew to almost 18 TRILLION DOLLARS at the beginning of 2016, about $54,000 per capita, or $162,000 for a family of three. This enormous amount of debt will either have to be paid down by the citizens of the USA or inflated away or renounced. The wealthy classes, though, will not help pay this debt down, because, in the famous words of wealthy Leona Helmsley, “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.” Wealthy people pay accountants, lawyers and estate planners to find ways to avoid paying taxes and ways of spiriting their money to safe havens in foreign countries. And, the wealthy have politicians pass bills that reduce their income taxes and inheritance taxes.

In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 34.5% of the country’s total wealth, and the next 19% owned 50.5%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country’s wealth, and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. That gap widened after the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008.

While the rich continued to get richer, good US jobs continued to go overseas to low wage countries, food stamp usage in the USA grew from 17 million participants in 2000 to nearly 47 million in 2014, unemployed workers became discouraged about finding work, dropped out of the work force and the participation rate dropped from 67.3% to less than 63%. While all this was happening the US per capita debt was growing exponentially, debts that the working class would have to pay through their future taxes, debts that the wealthy classes would not pay, because “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes” … //

… We are weak when our differences divided us, incredibly strong when our common needs and desires unite us.

It is time to demand our rights. It is time to demand that all Free Trade Agreements be repealed and good jobs stop being sent to low wage countries. It is time for citizens to read the Declaration of Human Rights and demand that it become a law of the land. Make copies of it. Pass the copies around. Discuss it with family, friends, neighbours and coworkers. Organize. Demand that our politicians support us. Demonstrate. Peacefully, without violence. Violence always plays into their hand. Turn any violent demonstrator over to the police, they are probably their agents anyway.

Demand that all Presidential Candidates agree that all Free Trade Agreements be repealed. Demand that they take a stand, for or against, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights being enacted as a law of the land. If they are against it demand to know why, especially why they are opposed to Articles 22, 23, 24, and 25.

(full text).

(Harvey Lothian is a 78-year-old man living on the Sunshine Coast of B.C., Canada. His passions since a teenager have been history, politics, economics, sociology, social psychology, learning, traveling and reading. In recent years he has come to understand what Plato meant when he said all dogs have the soul of a philosopher. He can be reached here. Read other articles by Harvey).


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(my question: will be this the latest trick dividing/selecting us? – Heidi);

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… and this:

  • Mongolian Song, 7.50 min, uploaded by APOLLODEMOPOLOUS Music… and many more in autoplay;
  • Huun-Huur-Tu (Tuvan: Хүн Хүртү Khün Khürtü, Russian: Хуун-Хуур-Ту) are a music group from Tuva, a Russian Federation republic situated on the Mongolian border. The most distinctive characteristic of Huun Huur Tu’s music is throat singing, in which the singers sing both the note (drone) and the drone’s overtone(s), thus producing two or three notes simultaneously. The overtone may sound like a flute, whistle or bird, but is solely a product of the human voice …; /External Links.

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