The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally

Interview with Greg Albo GA and Jerome Klassen JK, published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 923, by Jordy Cummings JC, January 3, 2014.

… JC: In terms of Canada’s and others’ efforts to “rebuild” the Afghan state, what hurdles have been faced, and how has Canada failed to manage and/or transcended such hurdles? If it is indeed possible to help Afghanistan, what can be done, not merely by the Canadian state, but by international assistance?   Continue Reading…

Chance of a Century: International Investors Flock to Tehran, Part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Susanne Koelbl, January 02, 2014 (Photo Gallery).

Since the West reached a landmark deal with Iran on its controversial nuclear program late last year, many Iranians are hoping for an end to sanctions. Western companies are also gearing up do big business … //

… Old Revolutionaries Are Skeptical:  Continue Reading…

The pseudo-legal arguments for a police state

Published on World Socialist Web Site WSWS, by Tom Carter, Dec 31, 2013.

US District Judge William H. Pauley’s ruling in the case of ACLU v. Clapper on December 27, which sanctions dragnet NSA surveillance of the telephone records of the entire country’s population, has immense significance for democratic rights.

Although it is written by a federal judge, it is not so much a legal opinion as it is a fascist-style polemic that advocates scrapping the US Constitution and implementing a police state. The fact that a federal judge makes such arguments is a significant indication of the extent to which a pro-dictatorship consensus has developed within the highest levels of the judicial system.   Continue Reading…

The NSA Can Literally Watch Every Keystroke You Make

Watch this video-interview with Glenn Greenwald, 53.27 min, published on Democracy Now, by Ami Goodman, Dec 30, 2013:

The German publication Der Spiegel has revealed new details about a secretive hacking unit inside the National Security Agency called the Office of Tailored Access Operations, or TAO. The unit was created in 1997 to hack into global communications traffic. Hackers inside the TAO have developed a way to break into computers running Microsoft Windows by gaining passive access to machines when users report program crashes to Microsoft.   Continue Reading…

NSA’s Secret Toolbox: Unit Offers Spy Gadgets for Every Need

Published on Spiegel Online International, by JACOB APPELBAUM, JUDITH HORCHERT, OLE REISSMANN, MARCEL ROSENBACH, JÖRG SCHINDLER AND CHRISTIAN STÖCKER, Dec 30, 2013 (Editor’s note: This is a sidebar to our main feature story on the NSA’s Tailored Access Operations unit. You can read the main text here).

The NSA has a secret unit that produces special equipment ranging from spyware for computers and cell phones to listening posts and USB sticks that work as bugging devices. Here are some excerpts from the intelligence agency’s own catalog.   Continue Reading…

Index December 2013

2013-12-01: Billions from Beijing: Africans Divided over Chinese Presence, Part 1;
2013-12-02: Iceland thumbs nose at international opposition …;
2013-12-03: The Sirius Film;
2013-12-04: Hope in the Age of Looming Authoritarianism;
2013-12-05: Feeding the Bubble: Is the Next Crash Brewing? Part 1;
2013-12-06: leftists at work;
2013-12-06: Eröffnungskeynote BCM;
2013-12-07: Egypt: Protesting the protest law;
2013-12-08: World Trade Organization WTO salvages historic $1 trillion trade deal;
2013-12-09: The Syrian War in Context;
2013-12-10: Lyon’s Festival of Lights pays tribute to Mandela;
2013-12-11: Cartel Power: Megabanks Gain Ground Despite Fines, Part 1;
2013-12-12: Launching the Socialist Register 2014;
2013-12-13: The Secret History of How Cuba Helped End Apartheid in South Africa;
2013-12-14: The Volcker rule: More questions than answers;
2013-12-15: Egypt: With it or not;
2013-12-16: Are we witnessing an open source finance revolution?
2013-12-17: Silicon Valley’s red-carpet night for scientists;
2013-12-18: Inside America: Louisiana’s profitable prisons;
2013-12-19: An Open Letter to the People of Brazil;
2013-12-20: Canada’s Profitability and Stagnation Puzzle;
2013-12-21: Globalization: The Fast Track To Nowhere;
2013-12-22: Laying the foundation for blatant fascism in the U.S.;
2013-12-23: some music;
2013-12-24: The Fossil Fuel Wars in British Columbia and Canada;
2013-12-25: Victims No Longer: Spain’s Anti-Eviction Movement;
2013-12-26: Aliens, love – where are they?
2013-12-27: a bit of pleasure;
2013-12-28: Pride and Prejudice;
2013-12-29: What’s So Funny About Racism? Germany’s New Minority Comics;
2013-12-30: Together, a new South Africa is possible;
2013-12-31: links on my dashboard;
2013-12-31: Chaos Communication Congress: Hacker aller Länder, vereinigt euch.

All articles sorted chronologically.

Chaos Communication Congress: Hacker aller Länder, vereinigt euch

Im Feuilleton der Frankfurter Allgemeinen, von KATRIN RÖNICKE, Hamburg, 30. Dezember 2013.

Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange ruft die Hacker-Gemeinde auf, in Geheimdienste und andere Organisationen zu gehen, Informationen zu sammeln und sie zu verraten. „Wir sind eine Klasse“ – wie die Industriearbeiter sie einst gewesen seien.  Continue Reading…

liens-links on my dashboard

the 100th monkey/singe/Affe – story:

Together, a new South Africa is possible

Democratic Left Front salutes the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa special national congress: Together, a new South Africa is possible – Published on, by the Democratic Front South Africa, Dec 23, 2013.

Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal – There is a spectre haunting the ruling class and government in South Africa: it is the radical anti-capitalist movement that the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa NUMSA has given birth to at its historic special national congress held last week. The Democratic Left Front DLF congratulates NUMSA for this congress that united metalworkers in spite of the sustained attempts to divide NUMSA … // Continue Reading…

What’s So Funny About Racism? Germany’s New Minority Comics, Part 1

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Alexander Kühn, December 27, 2013 (Photo Gallery).

A new generation of comedians with foreign roots are shining an irreverent light on the prejudices they encounter in Germany. But when it comes to the integration debate, do their brash, cliché-rife performances do more harm than good? … //

… A New Wave of Minority Comedy: … // Continue Reading…

Pride and Prejudice

(BBC Mini Series 1980), uploaded by ClassicalFilmLibrary, May 24, 2013;

a bit of pleasure

Aliens, love – where are they?

Watch this video, 16.37 min, on TEDtalk, with John Hodgman, filmed Feb 2008, posted on Oct 2008.

Humorist John Hodgman rambles through a new story about aliens, physics, time, space and the way all of these somehow contribute to a sweet, perfect memory of falling in love. John Hodgman is a writer, humorist, geek celebrity, former professional literary agent and expert on all world knowledge. He was the bumbling PC in Apple’s long-running “I’m a Mac; I’m a PC” ad campaign … (full bio).   Continue Reading…

Victims No Longer: Spain’s Anti-Eviction Movement

The Movement of Mortgage Victims is one of Spain’s strongest movements. Carlos Delclós talks to PAH organizer Elvi Mármol about the key to their success – Published on Roarmag.org, by Carlos Delclós, December 20, 2013.

The story of Spain’s economic, social and political crisis is one about property, need and value. And at the heart of that story lies a question that is familiar to the point of cliché: what makes a house a home? It may sound trivial, but in a country where families are sleeping in the street, entire building blocks are devoid of residents, and housing remains out of reach for major swathes of the population (despite the ubiquity of “For Sale” signs in the urban landscape), it is a question that remains largely unanswered by policymakers.   Continue Reading…

The Fossil Fuel Wars in British Columbia and Canada

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 915, by Roger Annis, December 23, 2013.

The fossil fuel industry offensive in British Columbia and across Canada is proceeding relentlessly. This is a report from some of the key fronts of the fossil fuel wars.

Tar Sands: … //

… Natural Gas Fracking: … // Continue Reading…

some music

uploaded by  NCIFiRestArter:

Laying the foundation for blatant fascism in the U.S.

Published on Intrepid Report, by Larry Pinkney, December 20, 2013:

When corporations and government become, in actuality, intertwined as one entity, the end result is fascism. This is the precise reality in the United States in this 21st century, and it has spread like a cancer throughout this nation … //

… Banksters are liars, manipulators, and international corporate gangsters:   Continue Reading…

Globalization: The Fast Track To Nowhere

Published on Global, by Colin Todhunter, Dec 19, 2013.

Modern culture is an advocate of speed. From urban planning and transport systems, to the food industry and beyond, ‘fast living’ cuts deep and affects almost every aspect of life.

In terms of distances, things today are more spread out yet are more interconnected than in the past. This interconnectedness has had the effect of shrinking even the largest of distances and is ably assisted by digital communications technology and rapid transit systems. Airports and metro transport links are being extended or built, huge concrete flyovers cut through neighbourhoods and separate communities from one another and employment is being centralised in out of town business parks or city centre office blocks. Speed of communications and transport narrows the distances.   Continue Reading…

Canada’s Profitability and Stagnation Puzzle

Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 912, by Michal Rozworski, December 18, 2013.

The Puzzle Defined: Most developed economies continue to experience fall-out from the financial crisis of 2007-08. The Eurozone has been most ravaged, but the U.S. and UK have not fared much better. After the initial rebound from the most severe crisis, growth in many economies has been decelerating to the point that some are once again contracting in real terms. At the same time, unemployment remains high – hitting record levels among youth in Europe for example – real incomes are flat for the vast majority, inequality is on the rise and austerity programs targeted at social services are eating further into living standards.  Continue Reading…

LIVE – Putin’s marathon media conference

09 h MEZ – on Russia Today RT, translated in english.

An Open Letter to the People of Brazil

Published on ZNet (first on Folha De S. Paulo), by Edward Snowden, December 17, 2013.

Six months ago, I stepped out from the shadows of the United States Government’s National Security Agency to stand in front of a journalist’s camera.

I shared with the world evidence proving some governments are building a world-wide surveillance system to secretly track how we live, who we talk to, and what we say.   Continue Reading…

Inside America: Louisiana’s profitable prisons

Published on Le Monde diplomatique, english edition, by Maxim Robin, December 2013.

The number of people in US prisons fell in 2012 by around 30,000, the third consecutive fall in as many years: budget difficulties mean that states can no longer afford incarceration for every offence, and at local level Republicans and Democrats are, unusually, unanimous on the need to decongest prisons. In California — which accounted for half of the fall in 2012 — and Texas, there is a drive to reduce sentences and find alternative punishments.   Continue Reading…

Silicon Valley’s red-carpet night for scientists

Published on SFgate, by James Temple, Dec 14, 2013.

Silicon Valley staged its take on the Oscars last week, hosting a black-tie affair that felt every bit like the Hollywood variety – except that you’ve probably never heard of any of the winners.

And that was kind of the point.   Continue Reading…

Are we witnessing an open source finance revolution?

Financial democracy requires bypassing large unaccountable institutions and reconnecting people to the reality of their money — by producing it ourselves – Published on, by Brett Scott, December 11, 2013.

In 2012, in celebration of Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, I suggested that we securitize the Queen, using her as collateral for UK government borrowing. I thought she would support this modest proposal because royalty have long been financial innovators. Indeed, what were the old medieval armies but a blunt financial instrument? Monarchs invested resources into them in order to extract dividends from conquered peoples who did not want to be bludgeoned to death … // Continue Reading…

Egypt: With it or not

Published on Al-Ahram weekly online, by Mohamed Abdel-Baky, Dec 10, 2013.

During a rally held in Minya governorate, Nour Youssef, a member of the Social Democratic Party, urged his village to vote “yes” on the draft constitution.

The crowds shouted, “viva Egypt, bread, freedom and social justice”, repeating the 25 January 25 Revolution slogan.   Continue Reading…