Index January 2016

2016-01-01: Refugee camps, the Syrian diaspora;
2016-01-02: Some Women Are More Invisible;
2016-01-02: notre argent et nous;
2016-01-03: The Privatization of Water in India, how Coca-Cola Destroys the Aquifer;
2016-01-04: Top 7 Middle East Foreign Policy Challenges in 2016;
2016-01-05: Syria is the Middle Eastern Stalingrad;
2016-01-05: Suisse: Reprendre le contrôle de la monnaie;
2016-01-06: Psychiatry facing Kids;
2016-01-07: Uprisings of the Dispossessed and Protests in the Street;
2016-01-08: Reform is not enough to Stem the Rising Tide of Inequality Worldwide;
2016-01-09: What’s Next? Parecon, or Participatory Economics;
2016-01-10: A no-strings basic income? If it works for the royal family, it can work for us all;
2016-01-11: USA: Republican victory in 2016 would strengthen new patrimonial oligarchy;
2016-01-12: Under-the-Radar Supreme Court Case Poses Profound Threat to Unions Nationwide;
2016-01-13: The Case of the Murdered Goats, exploring Germany’s Far-Right Rumor Mill;
2016-01-14: African Women Organize To Reclaim Agriculture Against Corporate Takeover;
2016-01-15: Slavoj Žižek on Hegel and us today;
2016-01-16: Mini-Republics: A Syrian Village Seeks to Survive amid Carnage;
2016-01-17: The Big Lies / die grossen Lügen;
2016-01-18: Global Capitalism;
2016-01-19: The Pugnacious, Relentless Progressive Party That Wants to Remake America;
2016-01-19: Capitalism, Austerity – and it’s results;
2016-01-20: How Corporations and Politicians Lie With Numbers;
2016-01-21: Whither Unions? – Organizing Lessons from a Right-To-Work State;
2016-01-22: How to kill the demos: the water struggle in Italy;
2016-01-23: China’s central bank mulls issuing digital currency;
2016-01-23: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen;
2016-01-24: Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin – the Old Model Doesn’t Work Anymore;
2016-01-25: A Greek conspiracy – how the ECB crushed Varoufakis’ plans;
2016-01-26: Slavoj Žižek and the Balkans;
2016-01-27: Can People’s Power Save the Bolivarian Revolution?
2016-01-28: We need a new movement for democracy in Europe;
2016-01-29: UNGASS 2016 and the Heemskerk Declaration;
2016-01-29: look at our world;
2016-01-30: SWITZERLAND: Only 2% of people would stop working if they had a basic income;
2016-01-31: Court denies bail to Ammon Bundy & 3 others as Oregon occupation continues;
2016-01-31: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, January 1-31, 2016.
See also this page: All articles sorted chronologically.

Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, January 1-31, 2016

related articles published during January 2016: (continuously updated … ) Continue Reading…

Court denies bail to Ammon Bundy & 3 others as Oregon occupation continues

Published on RT, Jan 30, 2016.

A federal court judge in Portland has denied bail to Ammon Bundy and three of his cohorts as the occupation of a federal wildlife refuge building in Burns, Oregon continues. The FBI says four people remain there as the protest hits its fourth week.

The leader of the group of armed men that occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Ammon Bundy, as well as his brother Ryan, Brian Cavalier, and Ryan Payne, were all denied release on Friday. US Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman said that they posed a danger to public safety and were considered a flight risk, as she was concerned they would not follow orders to return to Oregon for criminal proceedings … // Continue Reading…

SWITZERLAND: Only 2% of people would stop working if they had a basic income

Published on Basic Income Earth Network BIEN, by Stanislas Jourdan, Jan 28, 2016.

Critics of basic income have been proven wrong once again. Giving everyone the means to survive would not make people lazy. A new opinion poll carried out in Switzerland shows that only a tiny fraction of the population would stop working if they had a Universal Basic Income (UBI). What is more, most young people believe UBI will be implemented in the future.

The survey was conducted by DemoSCOPE and released on January 27, 2016 (you can read the full results here). Among the 1076 respondents, only 2% said they would stop working completely, while another 8% said they would ‘rather’ stop working. This trend is also persistent among the youth, were only 3% said they would stop working. However, about a third of the respondents think “others would stop working.”   Continue Reading…

look at our world

UNGASS 2016 and the Heemskerk Declaration

Published on, Jan 25, 2016.

Final declaration of the Global Forum of Producers of Prohibited Plants.

In a global meeting small scale farmers of cannabis, coca and opium from 14 countries discussed their contribution to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS). The UNGASS will discuss all aspects of global drug control policies, including the worldwide ban on the cultivation of coca, poppy and cannabis, an issue the Global Farmers Forum demands that their voices be heard and taken into account … // Continue Reading…

We need a new movement for democracy in Europe

Published on ZNet (first on red, Jan 27, 2016.

What do you see as the main threats to democracy today?

  • The threat to democracy has always been the disdain the establishment has for it. Democracy by its nature is very fragile and the antipathy towards it by the establishment is always extremely pronounced, and the establishment has always sought to undo it.   Continue Reading…

Can People’s Power Save the Bolivarian Revolution?

… rightists’ election victory poses major threat to Venezuela’s advances – Published 0n The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1211, by Richard Fidler, Jan 25, 2016.

Seventeen years after Hugo Chávez was elected Venezuela’s President for the first time, the supporters of his Bolivarian Revolution, now led by President Nicolás Maduro, suffered their first major defeat in a national election in the December 6 elections to the country’s parliament, the National Assembly … // Continue Reading…

Slavoj Žižek and the Balkans

A Greek conspiracy: How the ECB crushed Varoufakis’ plans

Published on Real World Economic Review Blog RWER, by Norbert Häring, Jan 22, 2016.

A central bank governor in Athens conspires with the President of the Republic to sabotage the negotiation strategy of his government to weaken it in its negotiations with the European Central Bank. After the government has capitulated, this governor, who is a close friend of the new finance minister and boss of the finance ministers wife, and the President of the Republic travel together to the ECB to collect their praise and rewards. This is not an invention, this is now documented. Continue Reading…

Chinese Billionaire Zhang Xin: The Old Model Doesn’t Work Anymore

Published on Spiegel Online International, conducted by Bernhard Zand, Jan 22, 2016: … (she) discusses the recent market crash, the end of China’s building boom and why she views Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as a role model for the wealthy … //

… SPIEGEL: In comparison, how did things start out for you?

  • Zhang: When we started out, we were among the first. Beijing had no and Shanghai had very few large buildings. At that time, it was all about building, building, building — and then selling, selling, selling. We were working like a manufacturer. Soon, however, we realized that land was running out in Beijing and Shanghai. So we started keeping our buildings, and managing and renting them out. We became landowners. That was the second act.   Continue Reading…

Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen

SAP-Manager hält bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für wichtig, auf gulli/news, 22. Jan 2016.

Wir befinden uns vor einer neuen industriellen Revolution, die viele Menschen die Arbeitsplätze kosten könnte. Das sehen sogar Manager von Unternehmen so und fordern daher, dass die Regierungen etwas tun. SAP-Vorstandsmitglied Bernd Leukert hält ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen für wichtig, damit die Gesellschaft nicht auseinanderbricht … // Continue Reading…

China’s central bank mulls issuing digital currency

Published on ASIA TIMES, by ASIA UNHEDGED China, Jan 21, 2016.

The People’s Bank of China BPOC on Wednesday said it wants to issue its own digital currency to cut the costs of circulating traditional paper money, boost policymakers’ control of money supply and improve the efficiency of global transactions.

The central bank set up a research team in 2014 to study digital currencies and application scenarios, according to a statement posted on the regulator’s website.   Continue Reading…

How to kill the demos: the water struggle in Italy

How to kill the demos: the water struggle in Italy

Published on ZNet (first on, by Andrea Muehlebach, January 20, 2016.

On November 28, 2015, water activists from the Southern Italian region of Campania staged a massive protest in the city of Naples. Some 5,000 water activists and environmentalists, trade unionists and workers from Naples’ water works protested a recently passed regional law that aims to centralize water management and set the stage for water privatization … // Continue Reading…

Whither Unions? – Organizing Lessons from a Right-To-Work State

Published on ZNet, by Paul Rubin, Jan 18, 2016.

The labor movement in this country is in deep crisis. All too many unions are losing members, confronting deteriorating job conditions, and fighting defensive battles. One would think that labor in conservative, right-to-work states would be in the worst shape of all. But this is not necessarily so. One union local in historically conservative Arizona has continued to grow not just in size but, more importantly, in influence. I believe there are lessons here for labor activists across the nation … //

… Internal Organizing/Education: Continue Reading…

How Corporations and Politicians Lie With Numbers

… and How Not to Be Fooled – Published on naked capitalism, by Yves Smith, Jan 17, 2016; (first by Larry Schwartz on AlterNet).

… Americans, as P.T. Barnum once noted, are not all that difficult to fool, and our nation’s somewhat weak math skills don’t help. A Pew Research Center report issued last year, which studied test results of 15-year-olds, ranked the United States 35th in the world in math. Not only has this weakness in understanding numbers created opportunities for mass exploitation by Big Pharma and other industries, it has led to needless and mostly unwarranted fear. While Americans don’t understand math, be assured that corporations do, and they happily use it to mislead and obfuscate in the name of selling their products.   Continue Reading…

Capitalism, Austerity – and it’s results

The Pugnacious, Relentless Progressive Party That Wants to Remake America

Published on The Atlantic, by Molly Ball, Jan 16, 2016.

The Working Families Party has pushed the political debate to the left in the states where it’s already active. Now—in the era of Occupy and Bernie Sanders—it’s ready to take that fight nationwide.

At a recent private dinner in Manhattan, a small group of leftists plotted to take over America.   Continue Reading…

Global Capitalism

The Big Lies / die grossen Lügen

Uploaded by The Big Picture RT:

von ANTIZENSURKOALITION AZK hochgeladen: Continue Reading…

Mini-Republics: A Syrian Village Seeks to Survive amid Carnage

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Christoph Reuter in Korin, Syria, Jan 13, 2016 (Photo Gallery).

Even as war continues to rage in Syria, normal people in the country are doing their best to survive in places like the village of Korin. It has transformed into a kind of mini-republic and has WiFi on the town square. But its population is slowly dwindling. Continue Reading…

Slavoj Žižek on Hegel and us today

Uplpaded by Deutsches Haus:

African Women Organize To Reclaim Agriculture Against Corporate Takeover

Published on ZNet (first on Other Worlds), by Mphatheleini Makaulele, Simone Adler and Beverly Bell, Jan 9, 2016.

… Everybody originated with indigenous ways of living and the way of Mother Earth.

The real role of women is in the seed. It is the women who harvest, select, store, and plant seeds. Our seeds come from our mothers and our grandmothers. To us, the seed is the symbol of the continuity of life. Seed is not just about the crops. Seed is about the soil, about the water, and about the forest.   Continue Reading…

The Case of the Murdered Goats, exploring Germany’s Far-Right Rumor Mill

Published on Spiegel Online International, by Matthias Bartsch and Anna Clauß, Jan 5, 2016.

Absurd, unfounded reports about asylum seekers are circulating on German social media. They are part of a targeted misinformation campaign by right-wing extremists designed to instill fear and stoke anti-migrant sentiment. But where do the stories come from?   Continue Reading…

Under-the-Radar Supreme Court Case Poses Profound Threat to Unions Nationwide

… Supreme Court Case - Published on Common Dreams, by Sarah Lazare, Jan 8, 2016 (the Case could result in the enforcement of ‘Right to Work’ laws on all public sector labor unions in the United States).

Workers across the United States are bracing for a major Supreme Court case, set for argument on Monday, that could strike a devastating blow to public sector unions nationwide.   Continue Reading…