A no-strings basic income? If it works for the royal family, it can work for us all
Published on The Guardian, by John O’Farrell, Jan 7, 2015.
A living wage for all of us, whether we’re in work or not, could rebalance the economy and create a generation of entrepreneurs.
y first response to the notion of a universal basic income (UBI) was: “Well, really. That is never going to happen! I mean, it’s completely unaffordable. I mean, it would be political suicide for any progressive party suggesting it.” And then I may have started to froth at the mouth slightly and ask if it would be paid to refugees … //
… Vitally, it would begin to redress the chronic imbalance in today’s labour market. There’s a reason why call centre workers sound so miserable when they claim to be sharing really exciting news about your phone tariff. Since the decline of the unions, workers have been increasingly powerless to refuse longer hours and less money, with only the food bank to fall back on if they walk away from an exploitative job. With a guaranteed state income to keep the wolf (or Wonga) from the door, employees would regain the bargaining power to demand civilised working conditions and reasonable rates of pay. In a flexible labour market with millions of short-term contracts, this might be a more effective lever than attempting to unionise Uber drivers (whose membership subs would only be undercut by a new union startup operating online).
Meanwhile the rest of us could feel confident that beggars had no reason to approach us on public transport. We wouldn’t have to do that thing where we shake our heads and pretend we haven’t see them at the same time. Overnight, our labyrinthine system of benefits and tax credits would disappear along with an army of benefits snoopers and all the stigma of signing on, with its degrading culture of blame and humiliation for those at the bottom of the pile.
For all the apparent expense of the UBI, we would save the small fortune that the state currently spends mopping up the mess of social problems caused overwhelmingly by chronic poverty.
Of course, there are complex reasons for increasing homelessness, for bulging prisons, for growing mental health problems – but desperate financial pressure is a major factor in all of them. Every decade sees us spending increasing billions trying to tighten the lid of the boiling cauldron. It might be so much cheaper just to turn down the temperature a bit.
(full text).
- related: Basic Income BIG – Revenu de Base – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen BGE, January 1-31, 2016, on this blog;
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Cuba’s Revolution Enters New Phase, on teleSUR english, Dec 31, 2015: as Cuba’s Revolution celebrates 57 years since rebels forced out the U.S.-backed regime of Fulgencio Batista, the country is deep into a process of normalizing relations with the United States. Cubans are hopeful that the changes on the island will improve upon the country’s important gains, while also reducing the impacts of U.S. hostility and interference;
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Wie beeinflusst das Internet die Gesellschaft – Aussage eines Wissenschaftlers, 3.32 min, von 7777Funki am 28. Juli 2014 hochgeladen. Kerngedanke dahinter: es gibt eine grundlegende Machtverschiebung vom Anbieter zum Nachfrager, in allen Bereichen der Gesellschaft. Das liegt an der Systemarchitektur: hohe Netzwerk-Verdichtung, hohe Spontanaktivität, hohe kreisende Erregungen im Netzwerk = alle 3 zusammen haben die Tendenz, sich selber hochzuschaukeln. Die Menschen haben das für sich entdeckt. Lineare Vorhersagen für Resonanzmuster im System sind nicht mehr möglich, oder nur mit Empathie = Macht liegt beim Nachfrager / beim Bürger = das heisst: bist du nicht willig, so brauch ich Geduld.
… and this:
- Jamie Lee Curtis on The Talk about NCIS and Mark Harmon, 14.12 min, uploaded by Kanaal van MrSennadS, Feb 21, 2012.