The Class Logic behind Austerity Policies in the Euro-Area

… Can SYRIZA Put Forward a Progressive Alternative? – Published on The Bullet, Socialist Project’s E-Bulletin No. 1124, by John Milios, June 1, 2015.

1. The Nexus of Economic Crisis and Austerity

1.1. Austerity as a cost saving capitalist strategy:

  • After the outbreak of the 2008 global economic crisis, extreme austerity policies prevailed in many parts of the developed capitalist world, especially in the European Union (EU) and the Euro-area (EA). Austerity has been criticized as an irrational policy, which further deteriorates the economic crisis by creating a vicious cycle of falling effective demand, recession and over-indebtedness. However, these criticisms can hardly explain why this ‘irrational’ or ‘wrong’ policy persists, despite its ‘failures’.[1]
  • In reality, economic crises express themselves not only in a lack of effective demand, but above all in a reduction of profitability of the capitalist class. Austerity constitutes a strategy for raising capital’s profit rate.[2]
  • Austerity constitutes the cornerstone of neoliberal policies. On the surface, it works as a strategy of reducing entrepreneurial cost. Austerity reduces labour costs of the private sector, increases profit per (labour) unit cost and thus boosts the profit rate. It is complemented by economizing in the use of “material capital” (alas, another demand curtailing strategy!); and also by institutional changes that, on the one hand, enhance capital mobility and competition and, on the other, strengthen the power of managers in the enterprise and share and bondholders in society. As regards fiscal consolidation, austerity gives priority to budget cuts over public revenue, reducing taxes on capital and high incomes, and downsizing the welfare state.

Austerity as a Class Project: … //

… 1.2 Austerity and financialization: … //

… 1.3 Austerity and the Euro-area: … //

… 2. The Greek Case: Can SYRIZA Challenge Neoliberalism?

2.1 The financial gap of the Greek public sector:

  • After five years of extreme austerity policies in Greece and the reshuffling of the political system as we used to know it (mainly through the break-up of the Socialist Party (PASOK), that has stayed in power for more than twenty years in the last three decades), the national elections of January 25, 2015 led to the victory of the Left. SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left), having gained 149 out of the 300 seats in the Greek parliament, formed a coalition government with ANEL (Independent Greeks), a small anti-austerity party stemming from the conservative political camp.
  • The mandate given to the government by the electorate is twofold: (a) to stop austerity policies; and (b) to secure a deal with the official lenders of the country (the EU, ECB and IMF, which were called the ‘Troika’ and are now referred to as the ‘Institutions’) in order to cover the financing needs of the Greek public sector. The ‘financial gap’ of the Greek public sector mainly refers to liabilities to the Institutions in the framework of the bail-out programs of the previous years.
  • On February 20, 2015 the Greek government reached an intermediate agreement with the lenders, which includes a four-month extension of the existing “Master Financial Assistance Facility Agreement” (MFFA), signed by the previous government, which is “underpinned by a set of commitments.” At the end of this transitional period a new agreement between Greece and the Institutions will be signed, which according to the program of the government would include a new fiscal framework for the next 3-4 years and a new national plan for reforms.
  • The February 20 agreement was a ‘truce’ – but truce is by no means a tie. Given the fact that the Institutions adjudicate on whether Greece’s commitments have been reached or not, this Agreement has proven to be a step on slippery ground. As every decision still requires approval by the Institutions, even scheduled installments as they appear in the previous Program, are still pending, subject to a positive evaluation by the Institutions.
  • The February 20 agreement is not entirely closed to demands that increase moral hazard, i.e. to promoting arrangements to the benefit of the welfare state and labour interests. However, the key point of the agreement is that the Institutions will assess, supervize and indicate which particular reforms do not create problems to public finances and do not jeopardize future economic growth and the stability and smooth functioning of the financial system. This assessment-surveillance sets a serious impediment to the implementation of the political program and the social transformations sought by SYRIZA in the first place.
  • While the question of how the government will be able to meet its financing needs remains open, statements by the ECB and the IMF are eloquent proofs of the continuous assessment that new pledged reforms are interpreted as substitutes for the commitments of the previous agreement.

2.2 Priority to the internal front:

  • The above analysis leads us to the conclusion that we have an international relation of forces which significantly restricts freedom of action on public finances but also in other areas. Nevertheless, the outcome of the negotiation will be determined neither by tactical moves nor the ‘external front’, but the ‘front’ within Greek society. The present situation leaves the government and SYRIZA with the only way out of the impasse of neoliberal European corset of ‘storming forward’:
  • //
  • A new similar attempt was put forward by Yanis Varoufakis with the following declaration at the 20th Banking Forum of the Union of Greek Bankers, on the 22nd of April, 2015: “In the year 2015, after five years of catastrophic recession, where ultimately everybody is a victim, there are only a few cunning people who have profited from this crisis. The era in which a government of the Left was by definition contrary to the milieu of entrepreneurship has passed. If we get to a point when there is growth, we can start talking again about conflicting labour and capital interests. Today we are together.”[9]
  • Furthermore, it is characteristic that in the Memorandum, economic growth relies on exports and every wage increase is automatically considered as being against competitiveness. No matter how empirically erroneous this perspective is, it still reflects the viewpoint of the Institutions and, unfortunately, still of the Greek Ministry of Finance.[10]
  • The mainstream approaches that we have presented, do not reflect the positions of the Finance Minister alone.[11] A considerable part of SYRIZA’s cadres comprehends austerity and the Memoranda as simply ‘an economic mistake’, merely in the sense that it constitutes a recipe for recession that is unable to boost growth.
  • In a society where the loss of 25 per cent of GDP and the impoverishment of large part of the population is just the visible aspect of the rapid intensification of social inequalities, in a society where mass unemployment is the numerical complement of a severe deterioration in working conditions, in a society of multiple contradictions and expectations, the policy of the SYRIZA government can only become hegemonic if it clearly supports the interests of the working majority in their struggle against capital. There is no room for a policy generally and loosely defending everything ‘Greek’ or ‘European’. Such an approach never has, and never will represent the perspective of the Left.
  • We face a historic challenge and we must respond without hesitations and vacillation.

(full long text, endnotes).

[John Milios is Professor of Political Economy, National Technical University of Athens, and member of the Central Committee of SYRIZA. Talk written for the Forum international – 20-22 mai 2015 – Lausanne (Suisse): “Le troisième âge du capitalisme, sa physionomie socio-politique à l’orée du XXIe siècle. En mémoire d’Ernest Mandel (1923-1995)”].

Related Links:

Volume 3 of (Karl Marx’) Capital, on;

on en.wikipedia:

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    Puis je m’échappais du nid de blessés pour retourner les chercher (… et les finalement trouver vivants).
    Bref, cela faisait partie de la mise en scène dans le but de compliquer la tâche des sauveteurs. Cela m’a donné l’envie de faire de l’impro théâtrale style “jeux de rôle” … ;-)
    Selon ma pathologie, j’étais consciente jusqu’à H + 90 mn, puis comateuse, puis devais décéder à H + 270 mn … J’ai pu être prise en charge par l’ambulance 3h25 du matin … donc, on va dire que je m’en suis tirée.

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