He Holds The Patent That Could DESTROY Monsanto And Change The World

… in english, and in french – Published on Earth, We Are One EWAO, March 9, 2015;

A TedTalks video by Paul in 2008: 6 ways mushrooms can save the world, 18.17 min; also on YouTube, uploaded by TED;

If there’s anything you read – or share – let this be it. The content of this article has potential to radically shift the world in a variety of positive ways. And as Monsanto would love for this article to not go viral, all we can ask is that you share, share, share the information being presented so that it can reach as many people as possible.

In 2006, a patent was granted to a man named Paul Stamets. Though Paul is the world’s leading mycologist, his patent has received very little attention and exposure. Why is that? Stated by executives in the pesticide industry, this patent represents “the most disruptive technology we have ever witnessed.” And when the executives say disruptive, they are referring to it being disruptive to the chemical pesticides industry.

What has Paul discovered? The mycologist has figured out how to use mother nature’s own creations to keep insects from destroying crops. It’s what is being called SMART pesticides. These pesticides provide safe & nearly permanent solution for controlling over 200,000 species of insects – and all thanks to the ‘magic’ of mushrooms … //

Helpful links to understand more about the incredible patent:

et en français / and in french:

Il détient le brevet qui pourrait détruire Monsanto et changer le monde, dans Esprit Science Métaphysiques, par Claire C., le 12 mars 2015.

… Qu’est-ce que Paul a découvert?

Le mycologue a compris comment utiliser les créations de mère nature pour empêcher les insectes de détruire les cultures. On les appelle des pesticides INTELLIGENTS. Ces pesticides fournissent une solution sûre et quasi-permanente pour contrôler plus de 200 000 espèces d’insectes, et tout cela grâce à la « magie » des champignons.

Paul fait cela en prenant un champignon entomopathogène (champignon qui détruit les insectes) et le transforme pour qu’il ne produise pas de spores. En retour, cela attire les insectes qui en mangent et se transforment en champignon de l’intérieur 2015 … (le texte en entier).

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