Paris is Burning!
Published on Dissident Voice, by subMedia *, April 9, 2016 [with VIDEO, 20.59 min].
This week we take a look at the multiple converging flashpoints of resistance in France, which have combined into a popular movement that has inspired over a million peeps to take to the streets in a massive expression of collective rage.
On the music break, we have French antifa hip hop group Sang Mêlé, with Le Bal Des Insurgé.es.
From there we move onto a take-down of “the Donald”, and try to answer the question of why his angry message is resonating with millions of Americans. We finish things up with an interview with Crimethinc operative B Traven, who explains what anarchists have against democracy … //
… (full text, video, related links).
* (subMedia: on their TV website; on vimeo; on YouTube-search).
Israel connects BDS with terrorism while cracking down on German banks, on RT, April 10, 2016;
Pas de coup d’État au Brésil, dans pressenza, par Mariano Quirooga, le 7 avril 2016;
France: Nuit debout trouve son assise, dans Libération, par Sylvain Mouillard et Amandine Cailhol, le 6 avril 2016;
Cash rich and investment poor? Why nations need an infrastructure sovereign bank, on Business Online, April 6, 2016;
Suisse: Osons dire oui au RBI, le 6 avril;
France: Pour une primaire des idées, dans le JDD, le 6 avril 2016: pour Daniel Cohn-Bendit, co-initiataire du premier appel début janvier, “la primaire à gauche n’est plus possible”. Mais eux – élus du PS, d’EELV, du PCF ou de Nouvelle Donne – y croient encore. Ils appellent dans cette tribune “à une primaire des idées” avant “une primaire des candidatures”, via des débats organisés d’ici à l’été partout en France. “Sans quoi notre tentative démocratique ne sera pas à la hauteur des mouvements citoyens qui émergent en France”, préviennent-ils;
Die Anstalt 5.04.2016 – komplett ZDF, 49.07 min, uploaded by Der Neue aus der Anstalt;
Norway sovereign wealth funds get red light on infrastructure, on Pensions&Investments, by SOPHIE BAKER, April 5, 2016: Government Pension Fund Global’s target real estate allocation rises to 7%;
France: Les droits des chômeurs ne doivent pas être dégressifs – Bruno Coquet, le 5 avril 2016;
Why is American politics so angry (when Americans have never had it so good)? on The, by John Rentoul, April 5, 2016;
Holyrood 2016: Greens ‘confident’ 60p tax rate would generate revenue, on BBCnews, April 5, 2016;
Canada: Monsef addresses Peterborough city council, on Petersborough Examiner, April 5, 2016;
Foreign funds add to Indonesia sovereign bond holdings, on malaymail online, April 4, 2016;
Krankschreibung statt Abschiebung, das Geschäft mit ärztlichen Attesten, im Spiegel Online TV, 21.März 2016 (click auf Video, 11.08 min);
- A time bomb is hidden beneath the Panama Papers, on TECH Insider, by John McAfee, April 5, 2016: John McAfee is running for US president as a member of the Libertarian Party. This is an op-ed he wrote and gave us permission to run.
The hack of Mossack Fonseca, in terms of the certain fallout that will affect many of the wealthiest and most prominent people on the planet, is by far the largest and most damaging cyberattack on record.
I am just one of more than 200,000 people to have downloaded the Panama Papers, a record for hacked documents. It was a gold mine …; - He speacks also with Alex Jones: John McAfee Exposes The Panama Papers Hoax, 28.00 min, uploaded by The Alex Jones Channel;
- John McAfee’s website;
The Panama Papers the Secrets Of The Super Rich – Four Corners, 45.42 min, uploaded by Ben Hill;
Children of the PKK, the Growing Intensity of Turkey’s Civil War, on Spiegel Online International, by Katrin Kuntz, Onur Burçak Belli and Emin Oezmen, (photos), Feb 12, 2016: the civil war is escalating in southeastern Turkey, with the government pledging to stamp out militant Kurds. Young Kurds, who used to hurl stones and Molotov cocktails, are now fighting on the front lines in several cities;
PHOTO GALLERIES on Spiegel Online
Prix Pantheon 2015 – Torsten Sträter, Tobias Mann, Rainald Grebe, uvm, 134.23 min, uploaded by Satiremeister;
… and this:
uploaded by Dash Cam Owners Australia:
- Incredible Near miss – Carlisle river Victoria, 1.13 min;
- Truck performs emergency stop in the wet, 0.47 min;
- Dash Cam Owners Australia, March 2016: On the Road Compilation, 7.25 min.